Tuesday, November 07, 2006

all part of the scheme...

Ok, being as this is election day, i figured i'd just get out how i feel about voting. I used to think (last presidential election) that it was a super-important future-changing thing. I was wrong. Think about it...both Bush and Kerry were in the Skull & Bones, a secret society that sets up young "hopefuls" for lives in important areas so the Bones' bidding can get done. They are both also members of the Bohemian Grove Society, another secret society of rich important people that devise methods of obtaining their goals and hold mock human sacrifices. So all these people blaming Bush for what's going on in Iraq need to understand that the same shit woulda been going down had Kerry been elected. WMDs might not've been the motive but it would've happened all the same.

So now what I'm thinking is this: Since it's obvious Bush stole the elections I think it's part of the Skull & Bones/Bohemian Grove/Illuminati plot that Bush was suppossed to be a huge fuck up. If you watch any of his debates from while he was a governor of Texas you can see he's not as dumb as he appears to be now. Anyhow, the plan (in my opinion) is to get the public super fuckin pissed at the Republicans so that the Democrats will win in a huge turn-around for the House and Senate. So what I'm trying to say is all of this, the war, Bush's fuck-ups, the Republican scandals with page-boys, etc. are part of the plan to get everyone to shun the Republicans and put Deomocrats in power. Why? I don't know...yet. But it won't take long after it happens before we all know.

Voting really doesn't matter. We've all seen Congress and the Senate hold press conferences with Condeleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld to "get to the bottom of things" and we've all seen Rice and Rumsfeld stonewall them by avoiding questions and spitting out rhetoric. Nothing ever gets done. Nothing will ever get done. Except for what the Bones/Grove/Illuminati want. Go ahead, waste your time trying to make a difference with your dumb vote. No matter who you vote for, you're voting for the Illuminati. Well done.


b0baf3tt said...

i mean, it's the oldest trick in the book to create an atmosphere of fear and instability (the situacion we're in now with the Republicans) then offer the "solution" (Democrats) to comfort the peoples' fears. They've put the bait on the hook and we're gonna bite.

Manchurian Guy said...

Man, thanks so much for being real! I needed to hear someone else tell the truth on this scamlection day. Scamlection days are always difficult days for me. When I get to watch the sheeple all flock to the voting machines (which are now CIA controled, dont believe me just go look it up) and bow down before their political gods.

Your right about the 04 elections. I mean Kerry is Bush's cousin for flips sake, and Hillary in 08 is just as bad. I mean first of all... Freemason, Trilateral commision... I mean she has lunch with Rupert Murdock(owner of FOX news) like once a week. Still I hear people singing praises to Hillary and that she is gonna be our saviour in 08 (if we even have elections in 08).

Now we all watched in October as the republicans tried their best to commit political suicide. (although kerry did come out and do some work for his cousin GW Bush with those highly offensive statements about our troops) It seems clear that the New World Order is moving to install the democrats in CONgress. You said you couldnt see why, but that we would find out soon. I agree with you 100%. I think i might see where they are going with this. Let me say my opinion based on the research i've been able to do. I will start off with the facts and then move to my theory.

In september Al-CIAda claimed they are ready to attack America anytime. We know they say their next attack will be bigger than 9/11. Al-CIAda says they have already smuggled WMDs into the country over the mexican bourder. We know that "terrorists" are going to Brazil, changing their names to mexican sounding names, and getting into our country posed as immigrants. We know that we only stop 10-30% of the people crossing the border illegally. We know that border police are not given any federal training pertaining to "terrorists".

WE all know about the Patriot act. Government phone tapping without warrents, and that torturing people, including children is ok with our government now. We know that the military commisions act and other legislation passed by our supreme leader allows the government to capture and torture its own citizens, never give them a trial, and hold them forever. We know police run drills in schools where they take the children to FEMA camps. We know that FEMA camps are being built by the Military Industrial Complex to deal with possible dissasters/uprisings. We know that the ammendments to the insurection act will allow Bush to deploy american troops within the US to stop any uprisings. We know that now States of Emergency are really Martial Law. We know that martial law no longer must be approved by CONgress. Thanks to some executive orders from our supreme commander CONgress cant even question martial law for six months. We know Homeland insecurity has been hard at work the past 5 years training local law enforcement on how to deal with terrorists/dissasters (but remember they havent trained the police on the border)...damn, I could go on for 15 hours.... Basically our "freedoms and liberties" are eroding at a pase so fast you can hardly keep up with it, and our media doesnt tell us anything. The government is ready to deal with citizens, but what about the borders.... Also remember, this doesnt seem to bother 95% of Americans. They just blindly follow their political gods with their pathetic faith in our shitstem.
Ignorance is bless, untill you walk right off a cliff.

Where am I going with this.... Theres soooooooo much info to go thro, it makes it complicated.

Basically this is it. AL-CIAda is waiting for the good word from their bosses on when to set off the next attack. The democrats will win the CONgress. For two reasons. They are the ones complaining about the new voting machines (my guess is they wont after they win) and also they are gonna be painted as weaklings. You see when the next attack pops off, the GOP will be like "See we told you they would attack us if you elected democrats because they see that as weaknes." Remember the BUSH ad from 04 about the wolves moving into attack once the guards were let down. This is what they want. Then the people will lose sight in their democrat gods. Then the GOP can be like "dont ever question us again, we told you so." This will also work for the GOP since they stoped all those recent terrorist plots. You know the ones in Britian recently and so on. Busting terror plots just means we are that much closer to the next attack. They have to bust these plots(real on make believe) to make it look like giving up our liberties is worth it.... but we cant stop them all now can we... makes me want to puke my guts out.

They have set the stage. They're ready for total martial law. They're ready to send us to forced labor camps/FEMA camps. The fact is our country has been taken over by international criminals.(and its not just the neocons, silly demoncrats)

But everyone tells me im crazy, and that Hillary is gonna be our savior. Or that i should worship the GOP and be a good citizen. I mean they love being blind. I however, am not blind. I see the beast moving in for the attack, and i pray the people open their eyes and recognize it for what it is. A wicked shitstem of debt and slavery.

((no time to proof read, im at work. Thanks so much for posting your thoughts bro! I need you man, and you need me. We gotta work together to fight against this shitstem! Have no fear! We're already on their list! All we can do now is move forward and fight this beast! Mad love brother! JAH Bless))