Thursday, November 16, 2006

UCLA student tased by police for not having his ID card.

According to the paper, Tabatabainejad did not show ID to community service officers who were conducting a random check. UCLA police said Tabatabainejad was released by police after he was cited for obstruction/delay of a peace officer in the performance of duty.

NBC news article

I dont know where to even begin commenting on this video/story. Its taking all my will power not to totally flip out right now. I ussually dont get this worked up, but when i see video of a youth being publicly tortured(cause lets face it thats what this is. dont believe me watch the video of the cops tasering him at least 6 times)I get angry. All because he didnt show them his ID in a "random check". You hear them repeatedly yell at the student to stand up. Have you ever been handcuffed with your face to the ground? I have, and it isnt easy to stand up with your hands cuffed behind your back... i imagine its even harder when your getting tased every 30 seconds or so. But i guess we're supposed to believe that standing up under these conditions would be easy. ITS NOT! These cops are like rabid dogs. They love it, do you understand? They love to do this sort of thing. Its the sick thrill these militarized police thugs live for.

Now Im glad to see other students trying to get the officer's badge #'s, and speaking out in defense of their fellow student. At least they weren't brainwashed/dehumanized so much that they didnt care. Still, what would have happened if all the students rose up and physically stoped these few police thugs from torturing their fellow human. This is what must be done in situations like this. I for one couldn't have stood by and allowed this to go on in my sight. Its one thing when you know its happening, but you dont know where and when... Its something else when its right in front of your face, and your fellow human is being tortured by devilish men. If something like this occured in front of me, and i didnt do anything. I wouldnt be able to function, I wouldn't be able to sleep if I allowed this to occur in my sight. WE MUST STAND UP AGAINST THESE MERCENERIES! No matter what the cost! I will not go to see the Father of Creation and tell him "thanks for all my blessings, but i couldnt stand up for your children." What sort of thanks would that be!?

Sorry if im getting worked up, but it really makes me sick. Police truly are the biggest gang of thugs. Listen, and know that im telling you the truth. The world is ruled by criminals. These criminals operate in our country under names like the Federal Reserve, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United Nations, The World Trade Organization, etc... Our politicians are front men for these criminals(doesn't matter if they are Aware of that or not). They work hard to create an illusion of a good government, and freedom(you can fool some people sometimes, but you couldnt fool all the people all the time). They are paid big dollars from the Federal Reserve bankers who are the real controlers of our government. Their ultimate goal is to bring about a one world police state style government. We must resist them! The person in this video very well could be me, in 2008. I say that because in 2008 our government is going to force the national ID cards on us.(dont believe me? do some research!). I for one will not accept a national ID card. So when they come for me, I might be getting tased. Will you stand up for me? I'd stand up for you, and I dont even care if I know you or not. Because, I love my fellow human beings, and I love freedom. Im not gonna stand by like a bitch while these devil mercenaries abuse my fellow man(im sorry im just so angry right now)!

Friends, we must never give up our guns/weapons. Whats the first thing a criminal does when robbing a bank. They tell the guards to drop their guns. Remember that when the democrats and republicans pass laws to take your guns "for your protection, for the children," etc. Don't let them fool you, they both work for the enemy of the human race.

I ussually dont rant so much online, I hope the ADL doesnt come to take me away after they pass their thoughtcrime legislation through your democrat controled congress.


Manchurian Guy said...

Oh yea, I almost forgot. "If he was able to walk out of here, I think he was OK," the sergeant said. If you watch the entire video, you can see them dragg the KID out of there becaues after being tased so many times he was unconscious. Do you understand? They are liers!! Just like their bosses!

$#%$#%$#%$^(%U*&U*4326!!!!!!! i gotta calm down...

Bombshell said...

Here's another article on that story by MSNBC: