Thursday, December 07, 2006

Surveilled Brits Reduced to the Sum of Their Profiled Parts?

The barrage of invasive police state measures of surveillance have, of course, been ongoing with the pace of technology. Yet, in the UK the eyes and ears piecing together a total 'electronic footprint' has accelerated furiously-- and with a frightening sense of inevitable entrapment.


The entire citizenry are now surrounded by nearly omnipresent surveillance by way of 4.2 million+ cameras in the streets of London, some of which now have microphones to eavesdrop on conversations and even speakers to shout back at individuals in an effort embarrass and correct behaviour. Not to mention a phasing in of face-scanning cameras and other monstrous technology. AND THAT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING...

For instance, surveillance also intends to utilize CCTV to detect violent behaviour and even spy on rubbish bins to report improper recycling and waste management!!


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