Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lets come together!

This is my attempt at bringing us together. This isn't me trying to show people I'm a smarty pants (im not, Im a human being who does not know everything and makes mistakes. also please bear with my spelling and punctuation errors). This is me trying to help you, and get you to help me. We're in this together!

First lets talk about what we can agree on. There are two political parties here in America that run the government. The Democrats and the Republicans. I know there are other parties, but lets face it. These are the two who are steering the ship right now. Agreed?

Now we can assume that the individual Democrats and Republicans(politicians) political agenda is close if not the same as the political party that got them elected.(democrat agenda, republican agenda) Agreed?

So how do the political parties come up with their agenda? Well it would stand to reason that lobbyist groups who flip the bill for the political parties heavily influence their agenda. Agreed?

Now if we are all still in agreement, it should be clear that this is a problem. The corporate big business international banking Lobbyist groups are creating the agenda for the political parties, who in turn fund the politicians election campaigns and fill their bank accounts. So it shouldn't be much of a surprise that the interests of these Lobbyist groups are steering the agenda of our politicians. Agreed?

These lobbyist groups fund both political parties. Do you think Microsoft only donated to the republican party in the 2000 presidential election? No, they donated money to both the Democrat and the Republican party. This is standard procedure for lobbyist groups. The reason being is that most corporate big businesses and international banks don't really care which party is in control, as long as they have their voice in that parties agenda. Granted, I am sure some lobbyists have a preference. That doesn't mean the lobbyists have total loyalty to either political party. Agreed?

Now I think we can agree that the power of the government in a democratic republic lies with the people. "We the people", right? Did we the people ask for the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership? Did we the people ask for a War on Drugs, or a War on Terror? Did we the people ask for the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about? Did we the people ask for the Federal Reserve? Did we the people ask for Homeland Security, or the Patriot Act? Did we the people ask for programs like MK-Ultra, Tuskegee Experiments, Operation Ajax? How about the Military Commisions act, or all the FEMA Martial Law Executive Orders? The government is supposed to work for the people. However, it is clear, that power has slowly been shifted away from the people. The Constitution is in shreds right now and you don't have to be a "crazy conspiracy wacko lunatic" to understand this, agreed?

Well, if we are still in agreement. This leaves us with still more questions. If you don't agree with whats stated above, and think that our politicians(and political parties) represent the desires of the people. Then stop reading this, and research what is stated above. If enough research is done on this subject, without naive willful denial. You will be able to see that what is stated above is pretty accurate.

Ok, so where does this leave us. Well it leaves us with both political parties under the control of Corporate Big Businesses and International Bankers. Which corrupt our politicians and steers them in the direction of the money flow.

Now I will attempt to lift the curtain on some of these forces, and really get into the grim of this situation. I will do this by example. Recently,The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) released a report called Building a North American Community.

Watch this Lou Dobbs CNN report about this subject.(its only 4 minutes of your time)

Did you watch all that? Notice Frank Gaffney from the Center for Security Policy said in this report about erasing/merging the borders "thats what would happen if anybody serious were to embrace this strategy" developed by the CFR. I wonder if Vice President CFR member Dick Cheney is someone serious? Oh you didnt know Dick Cheney was a member of the CFR?

Watch this report about Cheney and his CFR membership. (its only 2 minutes of your time)

This is only the tip of the iceberg. If you are not familiar with the Council on Foreign Relations, this may come as a surprise. You would most likely be amazed at its membership list of elites. Which includes Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Alan Greenspan, Dan Rather, David Rockefeller, Barbara Walters, Joseph I. Lieberman, John D. Rockefeller, Newton L. Gingrich, Richard A. Gephardt, Tom Brokaw... This list goes on for days. Just spend a few moments searching through that list, and you will begin to realize that the CFR and Trilateral Commision have their hands in everything. They're in the Treasury Department, White House, State Department, Congress, Federal Reserve System, Banking Institutions, Labor Unions, U.S. Military, the Media, Energy Companies, Big Business Industry, Education... you name it.

We need to do some serious honest evaluating of these groups agendas. We have already gone over and should be in agreement at this point that the Big Business Corporate Banking agenda filters down into our politicians. Which directly influences the motion of our government. We need to be honest with ourselves and others. Friends, we need to tell the truth right now. We can still take our country back from these Corporate Banking forces that have taken away the power from we the people. Its not the Democrats vs. the Republicans. I really wish it was that simple! Unfortunately, we know its not. Its the Corporate Big Business forces vs. the people. We need to realize that, and we need to realize how they have organized against we the people.

If you stuck with me all the way through this. Thank you for taking the time. I'm doing this because I love you, and I need your help. I'm not doing this because I want to prove anybody wrong. My point with this, is that YOUR RIGHT! Our nation is in trouble! Its time to do some serious evaluation of the situation. Thats what I am attempting to do, and to share the information that I have come across in my(and thousands of others) research. Sure I may be opinionated, but this is an opinion based on facts, not theory.

I will finish with words from I King.

Man may, at the onset, control the direction which events take, but once his choice is made, events soon escape his control and history proceeds by its own force and momentum.
-HIM Haile Selassie I

Still Don't Believe In The New World Order?


Manchurian Guy said...

Thank you, sir! For your service to our country, and the additional information. I checked out your blog entry "Odyssey of Armaments" and I suggest others read it as well. It is truly a powerful story. You have an insightful blog, I'll be adding it to our links here.

Whats alarming to me, is that I think they are intentionally steering straight for that brick wall you mentioned. As for the motives for doing this, its highly debatable. If only we could take back the wheel...

RoseCovered Glasses said...


Thanks for your kind words.

Here's a start to taking back the wheel - read the following testimony by Franklin Spinney and keep on blogging.


Frank's 30 years on the government side and my 30 on the contractor side yield 60 years of the same perspective. Frank is still crusading and if you put his name into your search mechanism you will find his work and his books.


Manchurian Guy said...


Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this man! Im going to spend time reviewing this Franklin C. Spinney's statement(the link you sent me). I haven't gotten all the way through it yet, but plan to.


b0baf3tt said...

wow, other people are reading this now. man, i don't feel like it's so pointless anymore. No offense intended, Rebel King, of course. it's just when this started it was our clique talking about the things we always did when we were together in person. now that there are outside influences i have new hope.