Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hillary Took Donations From Cocaine Smuggler

Hillary for President?

Soon after Camp Casey in August, 05, I was meeting with some Hollywood people who pretended that they supported me, but really were big money donors and supporters of Hillary. I was told that the Senator was really against the war, but she was waiting for the politically correct time to come out against it. I was told that she was the best hope for the Democrats in 2008, and I should give her a break.

I don’t know who Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood and Mr. Hollywood Got Rocks thought that they were talking to. My son was used as a “soldier of Christ” in BushCo’s crusade against the world and a political pawn in such pro-war Democrat’s moves to the White House. I was disgusted and noted this in many blogs that I wrote at the time.
My fellow Americans, please study the following photo.

The above photo was taken in front of the White House Christmas tree with Hillary and Clinton campaign donor Jorge Cabreras. Jorge is a convicted drug smuggler and friend of Fidel Castro. According to the New York Times, April 4, 1997, Jorge was solicited for his donation by a Democratic operative in the lobby of a hotel in Havana! The $20,000 check to the Clinton campaign came from an account linked to cocaine money. At the time the above photo was taken, Jorge had two felony convictions, but the Secret Service cleared him to enter the White House anyway.

Remember what I said about America needing a President who places America first, second, and third.

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