Monday, May 14, 2007

Angelina Jolie Inducted Into U.S. Council On Foreign Relations

The United States Council on Foreign Relations just got a huge shot of va va voom. The council has accepted the nomination made for Angelina Jolie who has proved herself to go above and beyond humanitarian activity and has made it her life to help children suffering from poverty and disease; she currently has two children adopted from third world countries -- not counting the work she does for those refugees and victims of disaster.

Thus the acceptance of her nomination is only natural, as she very well deserves the prestigious honor of being a member of the council. To be honest, the council was in dire need of someone like her. Her way of thought and dedication to the affirmation of life -- no matter what borders those in need live within -- will be a good addition to Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell.

Requirements for membership of the Council on Foreign Relations are that a current member nominates a person and that candidate displays -- both on resume and in action -- humanitarian activity. The Council on Foreign Relations works as a think tank to discuss public affairs and helps to educate the world and raise awareness on international affairs and U.S. policy choices. It's a fascinating organization and a high honor to be admitted into its membership.

Congratulations to the Academy Award winning actress who takes risks not only in her work but in her personal life to help improve the reality that is this world. Angelina Jolie for president anyone?
Pretty incredible, huh? First thing I noticed in this article. It's writen to make you think the CFR is part of the United States government. Either the writer at cinematical is dumb as hell, or they're trying to confuse people. To clarify the CFR is not part of the United States government. Even Wikipedia (aka CIApedia) states that, "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an influential and independent, nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921." If you want to help starving people in third world countries. I suggest getting rid of the CFR not joining this gang of criminals who have stiffled the third world for decades. This is like me knocking you on the ground. Kicking you so you can't stand up, and saying "Let me help you stand up."

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