Thursday, May 10, 2007

Register in cahoots with Council on Foreign Relations

Napa Valley Register
I have been noticing that the Napa Valley Register is using guest editorials from members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

This New York-based organization is the most visible exponent of America’s Insider establishment and has worked for decades to submerge the United States in a one-world government ruled by the elite. Their timeline now is to dissolve our Republic into a North American Union by the year 2010.

The CFR has successfully kept on track by relying on the controlled media to pave its way, and the Napa Valley Register is no exception. From Dec. 25 through Jan. 25, the Register used 19 CFR guest editorials out of the 32 days. That relates to about 60 percent of the time.

The Register’s main source is the Washington Post, also known as the CFR mouthpiece. At least 22 CFR members are in high-level staff positions. From columnists like Anne Applebaum to editor Fred Hiatt to Vice President of the Washington Post Company Christopher Ma. Even the company’s former president, Alan Spoon, is a member. CFR mastermind David Rockefeller said, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” — David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991.

The Napa Valley Register doesn’t limit the CFR to the editorial page. Articles throughout have CFR written all over them. An example is the Washington Post “Scary climate change scenarios motivate kids” article the Register posted on B4 of the April 22 edition. This newspaper doesn’t even rely totally on the Washington Post or CFR columnists like Morton Kondracke, for it seems to spew out garbage all on its own, all in concert with the CFR. It has dumped a huge amount of global warming propaganda on readers, enough to turn some locals into total idiots.

Controlled media like the Register use two main methods to generate propaganda. One, it excludes news that will discredit its motive. For example, it pushed Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” but then excluded “The Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary. It would have been easy to reprint the June 24, 1974, Time article titled “Another Ice Age?” which stated “Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age.” Second, the Register makes outright lies seem plausible. A good example here is a Register comment on Cesar Chavez, “He employed cunning political skills, tireless efforts and non-violent means including worker strikes.”

Maybe using a $267,887 education grant from Office of Economic Opportunity to finance his strikes is cunning. Using coworker Wendy Goepel to write the application and having Dolores Huerta go to Washington for the money is tireless. And having 44 picketers arrested in Delano for storming onto ranches and dumping grapes is, of course, non-violent. Also, Dolores Huerta was a Communist, as were most of the people working with him and for her effort the Communist paper “The People’s World” placed her picture on the front page of their Oct. 2, 1965 issue. The Register referred to her as “another famous farm-worker advocate.”

The Register also controls the local media issues promoting big taxes, big development, big government and candidates of that sort. This is called job security. The more people you can cram into a valley, the more subscriptions and advertising you can sell.

While surfing the Internet news services like or, which are not controlled so far, one discovers the Register blacklists issues that are contrary to the CFR’s plan for world domination. For example, did you know that Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, is running for president? At the time this commentary was submitted, not one word of this appeared. He supports the U.S. Constitution and is against the CFR’s North American Union. The Register has avoided any news on the unconstitutional NAU, its currency, the “Amero” that is proposed to replace the dollar and NAFTA’s super highway. Instead, it dumped numerous articles supporting illegal immigration, which is a primer to implementing the NAU.

The Napa Valley Register has displayed a complete allegiance to the CFR and, by doing so, has become an obvious hypocrite flying the American flag above its building. I suggest the Register either lower its American flag or break its ties with the CFR.

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