Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Neocons Insult Ahmadinejad at Columbia

Kurt Nimmo
Tuesday September 25, 2007

It doesn’t take much to read through the corporate media bombast on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s “showdown” at Columbia University, as the Associated Press characterized what in essence was an ambush and a heaping dose of disrespect by the Iranian leader’s surly hosts. In the very first sentence of the report, we learn that “Ahmadinejad defended Holocaust deniers and raised questions about who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks,” both entirely legitimate topics of discussion, that is outside the purview of Bushzarro world.

“Thousands of people jammed two blocks of 47th Street across from the United Nations to protest Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly session. Organizers claimed a turnout of tens of thousands. Police did not immediately have a crowd estimate,” the Associated Press reports. “The speakers, most of them politicians and officials from Jewish organizations, proclaimed their support for Israel and criticized the Iranian leader for his remarks questioning the Holocaust.”

In other words, thousands of people are outraged by something Ahmadinejad never said, a lie fabricated by MEMRI, a Mossad front designated to provide propaganda to convince Americans they are obliged to squander their hard-earned money and precious lives for the sake of Israel’s territorial ambitions, although of course this is rarely mentioned. Instead we are warned ad nauseam the Arabs and Muslims “hate us for our freedom”—to shop until we drop and run up the credit cards—and are keen to slaughter our grade schoolers, thus we have to fight them over there before they swarm over us like “Islamofascist” vermin here with a sword in one hand and a Koran in the other.

If you sincerely believe you are free, attempt to question the Holocaust and see how far you get. For that matter, attempt to discuss the plight of the Palestinians, as Ahmadinejad did, and see how far you get. Simply insisting the Palestinians are human and are grossly and habitually victimized by the Israeli state is a dangerous pursuit, on occasion leading to not only ad hominem attacks but threats of violence, lost careers, as the American political scientist Norman Finkelstein recently discovered, and even prison time, as questioners in Europe and Canada have learned.

“Asked why he had asked to visit the World Trade Center site—a request denied by New York authorities—Ahmadinejad said he wanted to express sympathy for the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks,” the Associated Press continues. “Then he appeared to question whether al-Qaida was responsible, saying more research was needed.”

Indeed, more research is needed, but we will not get it, as the neocons will not be challenged on their preposterous claim that a gaggle of cave dwelling Arabs were responsible and a hand-picked whitewash commission, leaving out enough contrary evidence to fill a large hole at the Fresh Kills landfill site on Staten Island, have put aside all question, at least all questions the corporate media and our Congress critters refuse to ask, preferring instead the absurd claim Arabs defied physical science and magically, as if through a voodoo trance, made Norad stand down on September 11, 2001.

“If the root causes of 9/11 are examined properly—why it happened, what caused it, what were the conditions that led to it, who truly was involved, who was really involved—and put it all together to understand how to prevent the crisis in Iraq, fix the problem in Afghanistan and Iraq combined,” Ahmadinejad said.

Not exactly, although Ahmadinejad will be excoriated severely for the crime of offering a critique. As we know—or a small number of us know—the attacks served as a much anticipated and meticulously plotted “Pearl Harbor event,” not designed to prevent “crisis in Iraq,” and soon enough Ahmadinejad’s Iran, but precisely for the opposite reason—to inflict a series of violent crimes of the sort familiar to the Nazis on the people, culture, and society of the region. Simply reading a few neocon documents makes this perfectly and horrifically obvious, not that we should expect the average American to read anything more or less than the side of his morning cereal box.

Obviously, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad walked into a trap at Columbia University, as he should realize far too many Americans have surrendered to the brutal vision of the neocons and their Jabotinskyite mentors, preferring to insult and harangue foreign visitors and, provided with the appropriate contrived pretext, bomb their nations into Neolithic condition, as the neocons will do soon enough to Iran.

If Ahmadinejad had his wits about him, he would stay as far away from America as possible and prepare the inevitable—cruise missiles and bunker busters with his name attached, a prospect disgusting as children signing artillery shells last summer at Kiryat Shmona, Israel.

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