Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hillary Clinton: “We Do Not Conduct Torture”

Kurt Nimmo
October 16, 2007

If we are to believe Hillary Clinton, the CIA needs to send a message: the United States does not condone or conduct torture. Of course, this is little more than empty rhetoric, as the CIA will continue to conduct torture, no matter who fills the musical chair position at the White House. As Alfred W. McCoy, historian and professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, notes, the CIA has a long and sordid history of torture. “After codification in the CIA’s ‘Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation’ manual in 1963, the new method was disseminated globally to police in Asia and Latin America through USAID’s Office of Public Safety (OPS),” writes McCoy. “Following allegations of torture by USAID’s police trainees in Brazil, the US Senate closed down OPS in 1975.”

As should be expected, the CIA does not follow orders issued by the Senate, supposedly the representative of the American people. “After OPS was abolished, the Agency continued to disseminate its torture methods through the US Army’s Mobile Training Teams, which were active in Central America during the 1980s. In 1997, the Baltimore Sun published chilling extracts of the ‘Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual’ that these Army teams had distributed to allied militaries for 20 years.”

In the ten years between the last known use of these manuals in the early 1990s and arrest of Al Queda suspects since September 2001, torture continued as a US intelligence practice by delivering suspects to allied agencies….

At home and abroad, the United States has been, for over 50 years a strong voice in the fight against torture. Simultaneously, however, the CIA’s method has become so widely accepted that US interrogators seem unaware that they are, in fact, engaged in systematic torture. From 1970 to 1988, Congress held hearings four times to expose the CIA’s use of torture. But each time, the public did not demand reform and the practice persisted.

Likewise, Hillary Clinton, once ensconced in the Oval Office, will not “demand reform” either, never mind what she tells the people who tune into The View (see video below).

It should be remembered that the CIA has a history of marching out groomed apologists to tell lies about the agency’s record of torture. “Porter Goss, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has made misleading statements about the CIA’s use of torture and mistreatment of detainees,” Human Rights Watch explained in November, 2005. “Goss was quoted today in USA Today stating that the CIA does not use torture and that the CIA’s interrogation techniques are legal…. ‘A growing body of evidence shows that the CIA has tortured detainees,’ said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. ‘Many interrogation techniques authorized for use by the CIA amount to torture. Their authorization by higher-ranking officials is illegal and potentially criminal.’”

At the time, ABC noted that the CIA has consistently employed the sort of “techniques” described in the Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation manual in 1963, techniques supposedly discontinued. These techniques, Human Rights Watch explains, include “forced standing, sleep deprivation, and exposure to cold,” techniques that are not only “cruel, inhumane, or degrading,” but illegal under domestic and international law and “were used by Soviet and North Korean interrogators, and have been reported more recently in Egypt, Burma, Iran and Turkey.”

But if we vote for Hillary, the government will send a message to the CIA, or so Hillary insinuates.

If you believe this, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

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