Friday, October 26, 2007

Professor Predicts Human Race Will "split into two different species"

One race will be rich, beautiful, intelligent elite, the other will be goblin like underclass

Steve Watson
day, Oct 26, 2007

An evolutionary theorist from the London School of Economics has caused controversy by suggesting that the human race will reach its physical peak by the year 3000 and will then split into two different species, one perfect elite race and one regressed race of small ugly goblin like creatures.

Oliver Curry has forwarded his theory, the Bravo Evolution Report, based on sexual selection and an increasing move to use technology to enhance physical attributes and life expectancy.

Curry suggests that much like in HG Wells' novel The Time Machine, in 100,000 years a genetically perfected ruling elite will dominate the planet and be served by a dumbed down animalistic version of humanity.

The Daily Mail reports:

These humans will be between 6ft and 7ft tall and they will live up to 120 years.

"Physical features will be driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility that men and women have evolved to look for in potential mates," says the report, which suggests that advances in cosmetic surgery and other body modifying techniques will effectively homogenise our appearance.

Men will have symmetrical facial features, deeper voices and bigger penises, according to Curry in in a report commissioned for men's satellite TV channel Bravo.

Women will all have glossy hair, smooth hairless skin, large eyes and pert breasts, according to Curry.

Racial differences will be a thing of the past as interbreeding produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone.

The theory closely mirrors that of many proponents of the eugenics movement who have long promoted the idea of creating a kind of Nazi super-race, where the attractive and physically strong are genetically manufactured under laboratory conditions.

Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century eugenics has become a driving force in the push for a world government, a system of micro-managing race and subjugating the masses to elite control.

From Social Darwinism to Hitler's Third Reich to a future that will be impacted by neo-eugenics and the quest for human development, the movement continues to espouse a disgusting creed of racial and genetic purity.

Last week former head of the Human Genome Project until 1992, James Watson, fled the UK after causing outrage by suggesting that some humans, in particular ones with darker skin, are inherently less intelligent than others.

The geneticist explores this racist ideology further in his new book, writing, "there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically".

"Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so," he says.

Alex Jones' new film Endgame explores the dark history of the eugenics movement and it's continuing influence upon our world today. The documentary exposes the agenda to divide and conquer the human race by the means of state-enforced eugenics, a mindset embraced by a large body of elite minds in government, science and academia today.


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