Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hard-Money Advisors Behind Ron Paul

November 07, 2007


FMNN recently reported on hard-money advisor Peter Schiff asking everyone on his 60,000-plus e-mail list to donate $2300 to the campaign of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) - and now an FMNN feedbacker “Jhe” has written to advise other “hard-money” advisors to do the same.

Jhe writes: “Thank You Peter! I see you doing battle on TOUT-TV all the time. To borrow a phrase from Tucker (I think); it’s like an episode of the twilight zone and he is the only sane person left in the world. Tucker was talking about Ron BTW. Your writings are spot on and I’m proud of you for laying it out there for the future of the Republic. All the commentators in the hard asset camp really need to follow your lead and get 100% LONG RON PAUL!”

Interesting point, Jhe. Ron Paul rightly believes that gold and silver are “honest money” - and have acted as such for millenia. The “fiat money” experiment in America and worldwide is likely some 40 years old at best. In fact, an argument can be made that the world remains on at least a gold standard as central banks continue to hold gold, as do the world’s wealthiest citizens. Thus, some remain on the “gold standard” while others, who hold paper “bills” do not. Too bad for them. Gold has doubled in the 21st century while the American dollar has greatly eroded in value.

As gold and silver have gained greatly in relative value against the American global foundational currency, hard-money advisors have made a come-back in the mainstream financial world. There are likely thousands, even tens of thousands of financial advisors recommending that at least a portion of one’s assets ought to be in gold and silver.

Ron Paul believes in gold and silver as an “honest” store in value. He would like to see a return to honest money, believing it is fairer to all, whereas the current system, which makes the circulation of honest money difficult, benefits only the very wealthy and those closest to the central bank “spigot.”

Those in favor of honest money, including advisors, have reason to back Ron Paul. Maybe, as Schiff has thought to do, and as Jhe has suggested, they want provide funds to a campaign that supports their convictions - and their businesses.

UPDATE: FMNN received this update from Feedbacker James Kuo: “Also, last night Richard Russell of Dow Theory fame wrote to his 10,000 paid subscribers that he will vote for Ron Paul. The smart money is definitely on Ron Paul in 2008!” (FMNN has not confirmed.)

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