Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bolton Takes to Factor, Promises Neocon Objection to NIE

Kurt Nimmo
December 5, 2007

Not unlike cockroaches scurrying when a light is flipped on, the neocons are scurrying to recover from the blow delivered by the “intelligence services” after they reported there is no reason to bomb Iranian school children and grandmothers back to the Paleolithic.

Of course, the latest NIE didn’t stop Bush from characterizing Iran as an imminent threat. “Iran was, is and will be dangerous,” declared Bush. “All options are on the table,” in other words Iran may still be bombed, no matter the rationale no longer exists, not that such a thing matters to neocons, infamous for launching mass murder campaign predicated on lies and dissimulation.

But it is not simply the scheduled bombing campaign. It is the U.S.-brokered sanctions as well.

“China for one says that the new information about Iran has altered the situation. Beijing now doubts whether new sanctions against Iran are still necessary,” reports Radio Netherlands Worldwide. No doubt Russia and others will soon chime in. It looks bleak for the warmongers in Israel and the perfidious neocons.

Israel, however, continues to consider Iran a real danger. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has doubts about the judgment of the US intelligence services. Barak agrees that Iran suspended its arms program “for some time” but he thinks that “Iran is probably continuing its program of fabricating a nuclear bomb.”

Never mind Israel’s 200 or so nukes. But then the Israelis are not Persian or Arab. Israel would never nuke Tehran or Damascus at the drop of a hat, would they?

Google “Samson Option.”

“The threatening of wild, irrational violence, in response to political pressure, has been an Israeli impulse from the very earliest days,” writes David Hirst. “Israel will remain at least as likely a candidate as Iran, and a far more enduring one, for the role of ‘nuclear-crazy’ state.” In his book on the Samson Option, Seymour Hersh quotes an Israeli government official who declared: “You Americans screwed us” for not supporting Israel in its 1956 war with Egypt. “We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka. Next time we’ll take all of you with us.”

Nope, no crazy people here.

In order to set things back on the neocon track, former “ambassador” to the United Nation — never confirmed by Congress, probably because they realized he was insane and dangerous — John Bolton now dedicates his life to “a congressional witch-hunt into the intelligence community” in the wake of the latest NIE. In the meantime, “VoteVets is calling for an congressional investigation into the Bush administration for warning of a false Iran threat despite knowing the key findings of the NIE,” according to Think Progress.

Finally, Bolton marched out on the stage at Fox to tell fellow warmonger and psycho case Bill O’Reilly that the NIE is irrelevant. Instead, what matters is the “public judgment… namely that Iran continues to enrich uranium.” Of course it does and John knows why, although he is not telling the public — under the NPT, signed by Iran (not signed by Israel), they have all the right in the world to enrich uranium.

Bolton complains that “policy bias have crept into this so-called intelligence analysis,” a rip roaring side-splitter considering the entire invasion of Iraq and the subsequent mass murder of over a million Iraqis was predicated on neocon “policy bias,” otherwise known as lies and outrageous fabrication of the most devious and injurious sort.

In effect, Bolton is informing us that the neocons will slog through the flak created by the latest NIE and remain faithful to their mass murder agenda.

In a bit more perfect world, concerned citizens would be visiting the neocon foundations and making citizen arrests. In the far less than perfect world we now have, the neocons are allowed to get on Fox News and CNN and twist and distort and furiously attempt to get their serial murder juggernaut back on the tracks.

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