Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Health and Safety Nazis Ban Childhood

Richard Littlejohn
UK Daily Mail
Tuesday November 13, 2007

There's reported to be much joy in heaven over any sinner who repenteth. So I suppose celebrations should be unconfined at the news that the head of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has put the boot into the elf'n'safety nazis.

After all, preventing accidents provides the moral justification for these self-righteous lunatics interfering in our lives and banning pretty much every activity known to man.

Tom Mullarkey, chief executive of Rospa, says his worthy cause has been hijacked by 'extremists'.

Consequently, children are being deprived of their childhood because they are prevented from doing anything which carries even a scintilla of risk.

Everything from playing conkers to wearing football boots with studs and swimming with snorkels has been outlawed in the name of keeping our kids safe.

"We do not believe in extremist health and safety ideas which would keep children wrapped in cotton wool," said Mr Mullarkey.

"Our argument is that a skinned knee or twisted ankle in a challenging and exciting play environment is not just acceptable, it is a positive necessity."

Let's overlook the tortuous use of language. In the real world, children play in parks - in officialdom, they utilise "challenging and exciting play environments".

Full article here.

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