Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hillary Imagines Being "President Again"

John Perna
Tuesday November 13, 2007

Hillary Clinton waffles on giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, then makes what some have called a "Freudian slip."

Follow this link to the original source: "The Girl Can't Help It"

How many people have picked up on the following "slip of the tongue" from Hillary as she was being interviewed on her immigration stance by Candy Crowley of CNN on Nov. 06, 2007? For those who missed it, here it is:

CROWLEY: If I wrote a story that said: "Absent a broad illegal immigration bill, Hillary Clinton agrees about giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants," is that correct?

CLINTON: No. What I have said is that I support what governors are trying to do. And governors are on the front lines because of the failures to get comprehensive immigration reform. There are already eight states that issue driver's licenses without any verification of citizenship. That is a decision that the governors and legislatures and the people of those states have made. I understand...

CROWLEY: But you see why people think...

CLINTON: Well, but you know, Candy...

CROWLEY: ... that you are not answering the question.

CLINTON: Well, but you know, Candy, well, but I think that if you go back and look at the complexity of this issue, I don't think a lot of these hard questions lend themselves to raising your hand. And I know that that's easier in a 30 second context to try to do. I think the fact that governors are being forced into this position is really unfortunate. They should not be making immigration policy. The federal government should be making immigration policy and that's what I'm going to try to do as president again and I do not believe that in the context of federal immigration reform that that would be an issue that governors would have to contend with."

We're guessing that what Hillary meant to say in that last sentence was something like this: "The federal government should be making immigration policy, and again, that's what I'm going to try to do as president."

That's one interpretation. Another is that it was a Freudian slip. "Hillary's use of 'again' ('that's what I'm going to try to do as president again') has drawn a lot of notice as a Freudian slip," says Thomas Lifson at American Thinker. "I think it also shows that Hillary is reeling, truly off-balance, winging it. She is much more comfortable with scripted answers."

Now, a hypothetical question: If this was a Freudian slip and Hillary secretly believes she was co-president back when her husband occupied the Oval Office, maybe she should take herself out of the race. After all, a president can only serve two terms.

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